By Ruby Politano
Growing up, we hear stories of incredible things this man has done: healing, turning water to wine, even walking on water! We know about His actions and have somewhat of an idea of who He is. However, knowing facts on our savior is not enough to grow a deep and prospering relationship. How are we to imitate Jesus or be ambassadors of Christ if we do not know Him? When we don’t know who we are serving, it’s easy to get into the habit of simply following a religion instead of seeking our Lord. But how do we know Him and not just His actions? How can we truly form an understanding of Jesus? Thankfully we have many resources, let alone a biography on His life, The Bible!
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” – Jeremiah 29:13
“And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” – 1 John 5:20
He “has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true”. It is so powerful that God has gifted us the ability to know and understand Jesus, and who He is! Though we will never be able to have the vast knowledge of Jesus as he has of us, it is a promise that when we commit our hearts to knowing God and seek Him earnestly, we will find Him.
Every relationship takes work. Whether it be meeting a new friend or growing a deeper bond with a family member, it requires effort. Same goes for getting to know Jesus! Thankfully the resources we need to pursue this are easily attainable.
Firstly, prioritize time in The Word. God provided us with the perfect resource to know Him through the Bible. I strongly recommend reading (or listening to) stories of Jesus in the Gospel and dissecting His character through His actions.
There are also incredible series and movies depicting Jesus’s life. Seeing this instead of reading it can help you to grasp His personality and connect to Him. However, be careful with this and be
sure to know your Bible so you can know what is being depicted correctly! A great example is the show, “The Chosen” which can be found on YouTube or through “The Chosen” app.
The Bible app is another very helpful resource with quiet time series and video clips to assist your research!
God created you with all your passions and interests. Spend time with God as you are studying His character doing things that make you feel close to Him. If you enjoy art, paint or draw while listening to podcasts or worship music. Go on nature walks while praying, asking God to show himself to you. He purposefully designed the way you think and learn so use that to know Him! Lastly, speak with your spiritual friends and family about their view of Jesus. Learn from their perspective to gain a deeper understanding of who He is through the way He’s worked in their lives!
Dear Father,
Thank you for giving us a promise to fulfill our earnest desire to know you. It is such a comfort to know you already fully know me and understand who I am more than I possibly ever could. Thank you for being patient while I discover who you are and I pray you will lead me to a deeper knowledge of your character.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen
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